High performance Wear Resistant Plates

We eliminate productivity loss for all stakeholders in bulk material handling and processing.

Smooth Overlay Fusing Technology

DuroFlux overlay plate consists of a mild steel base combined with a fully smooth, wear-resistant coating, presenting a steel overlay sheet of superior quality.

Deriving from Japan, our fusing technology has evolved after years of continuous research and innovation to enable a product that achieves excellent wear and impact performance.

cco plate with smooth surface and fusion line, metal plates, FuseTech Internationa
  • Promote material flow, eliminate material hangup. Ideal for wet and sticky condition which requires low co-efficient of friction

  • Even hardness distribution from top surface down to fusion line, we fight wear till the last minute

  • Proprietary chemical composition and cutting edge fusing technology to maximize wear and impact resistance

Our Advantages

We can help you:

  1. Complement your wear liners offering

  2. Aiding you in meeting the Total Cost of Ownership goals

  3. Supply directly from our Perth-based inventory

  4. Expand your service areas across industries

  5. Meet or exceed your OEM standard